Things are going well, our little boys are getting so big, and are learning new skills all the time. They are both getting very good at standing up and holding their own body weight. Benny absolutely loves to stand up, and will do it for several minutes if you have to the patience to help him with his balance. Below is Benny standing up.
Below is Ethan standing up. He is even balancing him self with his hands on the coffee table.
Benji is getting very good at moving his body where he wants it to go. If you prop him up on a pillow or couch he will do a movement like abdo crunches and try to sit forward. Sometimes he will slide down, then try and roll over. He can't always get where he wants, but he's getting better all the time. He has rolled over from tummy to back a few times, and often rolls from back to side and back again. He's getting very good. He still doesn't like tummy time, and spends most of it whinging.
Below is a pic of Benji on the couch laying on his tummy. We we put him sitting up in the corner of the couch and he moved onto his tummy himself.
Both boys like their toys that hold them upright (walker or exersaucer). We have read all the terrible things about these toys, but both boys LOVE spending time in them, and talk and laugh for ages. This video is the boys sitting in the walkers and having a great chat!
Below is Benji in the walker.... he was more interested in eating it than walking!
Below is Ethan in the Exersaucer.
Today Ethan had a fantastic time walking around the back yard in his walker . He had so much fun, laughing, smiling and talking. He is getting good at making is move, now he needs to learn about the steering!
Here is Ethan in the back yard, he is sitting on aunty Linda's car, and thinks it's very funny!
Benji's skin is still bad, red and itchy. He has even made him self bleed while trying to scratch. Tracie has been on her elimination diet for 4 weeks now. Benny is a happier child, and doesn't whinge as much, but his skin is still bad, possibly worse than it was before. We're not sure why. We're getting desperate.... we feel so sorry for him and the weather is getting warmer (which will probably make his skin worse), so we're going to try something else. We are taking him off breast milk and putting him on the hypoallergenic formula for 2-3 weeks to see if it helps. This will defiantly tell us if it's a food allergy. Tracie's cousin is being very generous and giving us some cans of formula as it's very expensive (about $100/week) and we have to wait until mid November before we can have him allergy tested and get the formula subsidised. We are hoping that this will help..... poor baby. On the plus side, Tracie is very pleased to be off her very restrictive and boring diet!