Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pulling up to Stand

Both boys have recently made attempts to pull them self from a sitting position into a standing position. Benny tried it first last week. He tried to pull him self up using one of his toys. It overbalanced, and so did he..... it was pretty funny. He wasn't hurt, but was a little confused as to what had just happened.

Ethan was trying to pull himself up today onto the toy box. We managed to find the camera and catch the action!

Below is the video of Ethan trying to pull himself up. It was about his 10th attempt (by the time we found the camera) and he was getting a little frustrated by that point. He tried very hard, but couldn't quite co-ordinate himself to get all the way up and balance at the same time. I'm sure it wont be long and he'll be pulling up on everything!

1 comment:

ROOT226 said...

LOOK AT ETHAN!! :) So wonderful!! Isn't it hard to watch them work so hard, that they get frustrated? Ev works so hard and he wont give up, he's a determined little boy. I have to remind myself, it's helping him to achieve and get stronger.
Our babies are growing up!!! :)