Thursday, December 10, 2009

Kitchen Antics

The boys are still learning the art of feeding them self with a spoon. It’s a tricky process that makes a lot of mess. Below are some pictures of the boys eating rice bubbles this morning.

Ethantn_PC100370 tn_PC100372 tn_PC100373 tn_PC100374

Bentn_PC100375 tn_PC100376 tn_PC100377


A little later in the day the boys sat at the table to do some drawing with their crayons. We’ve been a little slack in the art department lately. They boys will be getting some art supplies for Christmas, so we’ll be getting to art again next year.


Ben tn_PC100392



Ben’s drawingtn_PC100396

Ben – lots of concentrationtn_PC100397

Ethan’s drawingtn_PC100398

Ethan – concentrating hard on putting the crayons back in the box.tn_PC100400

1 comment:

ROOT226 said...

ah-dorable!!! We havent spent too much time with colors or paint's definitely time. the few times Everett has crayons, he tries to eat them. :( blechk!! I cant believe how blonde Ethan's hair has gotten.