Thursday, October 14, 2010

At the park with Mummy, Mumma and Aunty Linda!

Last week we made the one hour drive to Aunty Linda’s house. We had a great day playing with her cat, in her yard and we went for a short walk to the local primary school. As it was school holidays (spring vacation) there was no kids around, and my little men got the playground all to them self!


Ethan and Mummy with his new favourite game….. playing shop. Ethan sells Mummy all sorts of things from icecream and lollies to  cars, trains and planes. I pay him in bark chips at the price he sets (usually $2) and he gives me other bark chips pretending to be all sorts of things. He thinks this is a wonderful game, and this shows us they start of their blooming imagination and the beginning of “pretend play” A wonderful developmental milestone…. yay for Ethan.tn_IMG_2318 tn_IMG_2327 tn_IMG_2329

Both boys are dressed in the same clothes today (sorry about that!)

Ben is in the blue hat, Ethan in the red hat. Thanks again to our wonderful friends in Texas who sent us these baseball hats. They are well used, and well loved.tn_IMG_2333 tn_IMG_2335 tn_IMG_2338 tn_IMG_2346 tn_IMG_2348 Playing hide and seek. – Finding Aunty Linda behind the tree.tn_IMG_2352 tn_IMG_2353 tn_IMG_2363 tn_IMG_2366 tn_IMG_2368 tn_IMG_2373 tn_IMG_2374 tn_IMG_2380 tn_IMG_2383 tn_IMG_2389 tn_IMG_2393 tn_IMG_2396 tn_IMG_2405

A very warm spring day, and a lot of fun had by all!!

1 comment:

ROOT226 said...

What GREAT pictures, looks like the weather is warming up. So glad to see their baseball caps fit them so well; its a great year to have Texas Ranger garb as they are on their way to the World Series! *crossing fingers* The Rangers beat the New York Yankees this week*