Monday, November 8, 2010

So much to blog about…

We are home from our trip and are happy to report that we had a FANTASTIC time!!!!!!!! Our best family holiday ever. We all LOVED camping, and spending time outdoors together as a family. Priceless!

As I write this, 1178 pictures are uploading from my camera to the computer, so I have quite a bit of sorting to do before I upload my favourites.

Things are good in other life, we have a few “firsts” to report for the boys, but that can wait till a later post.

I’ll leave you with our only whole family photo from the trip, and go sort all those photos. I’ll try and post more in a few days…


1 comment:

ROOT226 said...

HOORAY, I'VE MISSED YOU ALL! so glad to hear you had a fantastic time; cant wait to see photos! :)