Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Swimming with Aunty Shell, Uncle Michael and Nana

We went to the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Centre a few weeks ago for a swim. The boys had a FANTASTIC time.



Ethan and Tracietn_P1000478


Ethantn_P1000482 tn_P1000483


Ben and Ethan on the water slidetn_P1000492

Ethan and Saltn_P1000495

Sal, boys and Shell, playing with the wheel that turns the water on/offtn_P1000496 tn_P1000497

Aunty Shell and Bentn_P1000503

Ethan, after just pulling the rope and wetting Sal. He thought that was a great game!tn_P1000504

Boys wetting Aunty Shell.tn_P1000507

Underwater Bennytn_P1000513 tn_P1000516

Benny and Nanatn_P1000517

Ethan and Aunty Shelltn_P1000521

Ben and Tracietn_P1000522

Ethan and Aunty Shelltn_P1000525

Nana, Ethan with Aunty Shell, and Benny with Uncle Michaeltn_P1000526

Aunty Shell and Ethan underwatertn_P1000527 

Ethan pulling that rope again.tn_P1000531

Everyone waiting for the bucket of water to fall….tn_P1000532


A fun morning was had by all.