Friday, June 14, 2013

Super fun no-work day!!

Aunty Shell and Uncle Michael bought Ben and Ethan mini golf tickets for their birthday. Yesterday we managed to all have the day off from work together and went to play some mini golf. It was wonderful for all of us (Shell, Michael, Nanna, Sal, Tracie, Ben and Ethan) to be able to spend the day together and nobody had to rush off to go to work. Often when we spend time together I (sal) have to work at 3pm, so our days are cut short after lunch :(
Ethan named our day "super fun no-work day" as 3 of us who would normally work got the day off to make this day happen :))

We started our day at Aunty Shell and Uncle Michaels house with something to eat, mid morning before golf. 
Then we went to the mini golf place and played 2 courses (2x18 holes) we sped through it as the boys were super keen to move from one hole to the next. Shell and Michael were up front with the boys, Nanna in the middle and Tracie and I bought up the rear. As I was holing the camera, I wasn't able to get too many shots, but here's a few...

To save me commenting on each, Ben is wearing red with a green hat (and a monkey on his back in some shots!) Ethan is wearing black shirt and blue hat.

All the boys in their hats :)

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