Monday, June 8, 2009

Feeling better now....

Our little boys have recovered well from the 12 month immunisations. They have been better for about 5 days now. We've still had some teething related miseries, but that seems to be almost constant in our house. 2 babies means twice as much teething. Ben has 9 teeth (7front and 2molars) and Ethan still has only 4 front teeth.

Our neighbour Arthur is home from the hospital after his heart attack. He caught a nasty cough in the air conditioning of the hospital, but is otherwise fine. He has heaps of new pills that he finds confusing, so we've been giving him a hand. He'll be getting them made into a dosing box by his pharmacy tomorrow. We're glad he's going to be just fine :)

Ben and Ethan have been on a schedule of 2 naps a day for many months now. Lately they (mostly Ethan) have been refusing one of their naps. They lie in their cots and talk for an hour!!! So we decided it's time to start transitioning them to just one nap per day. It's been a little tricky, and a little "unscheduled" the last week or so, but we hope they get used to it soon.

Nest week we're taking the boys on their first road trip. We will be away for about 6 nights. . We're going to catch up with friends in sydney, do some sightseeing in the blue mountains and take the boys to the zoo in dubbo. We're really really looking forward to spending some time with the boys and not having to work! We'll defiantly post stories and pics when we get back.

1 comment:

ROOT226 said...

So glad to hear everyone is better (including your neighbor). Ev's been having teething issues too. He recently had two more surface, however i havent even look for molars...guess i should. Ev's has 8 teeth now. Wish they would all hurry up, so they stop hurting him. Your roadtrip sounds fantastic! Yes, you must post pics so we can see and admire with you. :) Glad to read a post, keep them coming!
p.s Check back for haircut update (finally, i know) we're planning a trip to get his haircut this weekend. Grandparents and aunt will not be happy with us. oh well.