Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Road Trip Part 3 - Dubbo

On Sunday we drove to Dubbo, our final stop. Dubbo is about 4-5hours drive from the Blue Mountains. It rained most of the trip, very very heavily at times. We made if safely and really enjoyed our time in Dubbo. For those who don’t know, Dubbo is the home of the Western Plains Zoo.

We visited the Zoo on Monday and Tuesday morning, for about 2 hours each day. 2 hours is about as long as the boys will tolerate. The boys had a great time exploring the zoo and loved the animals that moved a lot. Their favourites were the Rhinoceros, Giraffe and the Otters. We saw feeding time for these, and other animals. Feedings seem to make the animals more alert, active and closer to the front. The boys pointed, laughed and talked the the animals. We found it quite amusing that in certain exhibits that used water to contain the animals, the boys found the water more interesting than the animal!

Tracie and Ethan watching the Rhino having it’s breakfast.

tn_P6220172 Ben and Sal with a Rhino in the background.tn_P6220174 Tracie and Ethan with some deer type animal far in the background.tn_P6220176 Tracie and Ethan and an Elephanttn_P6220179 Ben and Sal with an elephanttn_P6220181 Ethan and Ben watching the otterstn_P6220184 Monkeytn_P6220185 Tracie and Ethan watching the lionstn_P6220187 Ethan and Ben examining the screws on the bench (toddler curiosity never ends)tn_P6220191 Ethantn_P6220192 Zebratn_P6220195 Ben Tracie and Ethantn_P6220197 Ethan, Sal and Bentn_P6220198 Ethan and Ben examining the wooden pole

tn_P6220202  Meerkatstn_P6230270 Ben escapingtn_P6230271 Ben walking around – apparently more interested in exploring the grounds than looking at the animals.tn_P6230273 Sal and Ben looking at the wombattn_P6230279 Wombattn_P6230284 Tracie and Ethan with a Giraffetn_P6230291 Ben and Sal with the Giraffetn_P6230293 Feeding time in the Giraffe enclosure.tn_P6230297 Ethan and Ben standing next to the statue representing a newborn giraffe.tn_P6230305 Ethantn_P6230309 Bentn_P6230311 Sal and Ben having lunchtn_P6230314 On Monday afternoon after the zoo and their nap, we took the boys to a park in Dubbo to play.

Ethan examining the slide

 tn_P6220209 Ethan on the slide, Ben at the stepstn_P6220211 Ben and Ethantn_P6220213 Ben, Ethan and Tracietn_P6220215 Tracie, Ethan and Bentn_P6220217 Ben and Saltn_P6220221 Ethantn_P6220229 Ethan, Sal and Bentn_P6220238 Ethantn_P6220252 Ethantn_P6220254 Ethantn_P6220257 Ben and Ethan – playing in the water on the bench tn_P6220261 Ben and Ethantn_P6220266


That’s the end……. We had a great time on our trip. On Tuesday afternoon we drove home. It took about 6 hours. They boys did great. Ethan didn’t feel well, and cried and whinged on and off for a few hours in the middle of the trip. We are all pleased to be home, and are now wondering where we’re off to next!

1 comment:

ROOT226 said...

What a fabulous road trip! Looks like all four of you had a super time. I especially like the park with the spider web ropes. very cool....we dont have those in Texas. :) The boys look like they're getting around so well. I'm sure you're finding that they are harder to keep in one area, too. Everett is always on the go and wants no constraints and to answer your question about the dog backpack harness....he doesnt much care for it. :) He doesnt sit down in protest, but he certainly pulls harder if he wants to go somewhere. We havent really used it much, i'm thinking it will come in handy when he starts to run faster than i can walk. :)
Yes, we are having a fantastic summer and are always searching for cool places to take Ev. When you come to the states, we'll have to get together so we can take you to some neat places, too. Ev really enjoys his red wagon. He did have ice and water in that cup BUT it had a lid on it, otherwise it WOULD have spilled all over the place. He love having a big, boy cup all to himself. We love reading your post and hearing how everyone is doing. How's the weather in your part of the globe? OH and do you get such pictures posted on your blog? When i post, i choose "Large" photo, but they're certainly not as big as yours.
Hugs to all! -M