Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

Happy Easter.

Ethan and Ben are almost 23 months old this Easter. This is their first Easter that that can really enjoy an egg hunt. The Easter Bunny left lots of eggs in the garden, and the boys had a great time finding them. I didn’t get many great shots, as it was an action packed egg hunt, and it’s hard to get their faces when they are so busy!

Ethan and Ben begin the hunt.tn_P4021362



Finding another eggtn_P4021365

Mumma, Ben and Ethantn_P4021366 

Ethan – sorry it’s blurry, but it’s an action shot, he’s running to the egg he’s spotted!tn_P4021369

Ben and Aunty Shelltn_P4021370


Ethan showing Mumma his eggs.tn_P4021372 

Ben and Ethan, showing us their egg collectiontn_P4021374

Ben searching for eggs.

Ethan searching for eggs.

1 comment:

ROOT226 said...

Looks like your boys had a blast and your yard is absolutely beautiful and perfect for an easter egg hunt. my apologies for being so absent with my comments...our computer died AGAIN so limited with blogs since I use my cellphone. I do read and LOVE your updates. :) hugs to all!!!