Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nap time antics..

Oh my little boys, why wont you nap like angels like you did when you were younger???

Nap time happens every day after lunch. About 1-2pm the boys go into their room for a nap. Some days Ben even asks “Bed time now?”. They are usually tired at this time of the day, often cranky, so they need a nap. They go into their room, we put them to bed and close the door and walk away without a problem.

Anywhere from 2-20 mins later the antics start. Over the monitor we hear talking, laughing, jumping, banging, throwing things and a whole lot of noise that is not sleeping!!!!!

When we go into the room to check up on them, we have been greeted by many interesting sights…


Ben, pretending to be sleepingIMG_2185

Ethan pretending to be sleepingIMG_2186

Ethan had taken off his shirtIMG_2167

Ben had taken off his pants. Luckily this day he left his nappy (diaper) on. Other days we are not so lucky, and come in to find him in a wet bed, or a wet floor!IMG_2176

Clothes, toys, pillows, all thrown on the floorIMG_2181

Cheeky boys in their now messy roomIMG_2182 

Now these nap time antics are often annoying, but sometimes quite funny to listen to the conversations!

One day however…. was not so funny.

I (Sal) was home….. lucky Tracie was at work. I knew they were not napping, but I was ignoring them, till I heard the discussion turn to “poopy yukky”

I ran upstairs, but it was too late. Ben had taken off his poopy nappy and given it to Ethan (cots had been rearranged from above pics, and they can now reach each other). Ethan had decided to paint it all over himself and his cot!!! EWWWWWWW – sorry about the poor quality iPhone photos.

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Both boys were put in the shower while I cleaned the room. Now as most of you know, I am a nurse, so poo doesn’t bother me…… but I really wished I had some gloves!!!

I am pleased to report that we have now outsmarted our 2yr olds. We have a large selection of pants and shorts with drawstring waists and belts. Tight pants can not be removed by little boys!!! YAY!!!

Now they still don’t nap, but at least they are clean when we go back in!


ROOT226 said...

Ooooooooooooo, i can imagine you walking into this set up. :) LOL!!! i've had my fairshare of poopy paintings. Not fun to clean up. :)

Mom of Twins! said...

OMG!! That just made me laugh so hard! Ethan and Benjamin are getting so big!!! I cant even believe it! We had that happen once and it reminded me of what you said...I heard them, wasnt listening to what they said until I heard the word "Poopy" than I hightailed it upstairs and found the diapers off!@!!