Monday, October 22, 2012

Ben’s Surgery

Ben had his adenoidectomy and insertion of bilateral grommets today. In simple terms, he had his adenoids removed (lymph tissue at the back of the nose, similar to the tonsils at the back of the mouth, but higher up) and grommets, (small drainage tubes) placed in the ear drum of both ears. His adenoids were enlarged, and blocking the eustation tube (tube connecting the nose and ears), this caused fluid to build up in his ears, and lead to hearing loss. He also had speech problems from his hearing loss, snoring and dribbling. Removing the adenoids and putting grommets in his ears should help his hearing and other problems.


We arrived at the hospital at 9:30. Ben was not allowed to eat after midnight, but was allowed to drink clear fluids until 8am. He had apple juice and water for breakfast. We got admitted and the nurses did all their paperwork and then we waited, and waited and watched TV while we waited some more. As both Tracie and I work at the hospital, we know most of the staff between. We saw a lot of people we knew and had a few visitors. IMG_4638

Watching TV in bed.photo3

Waiting…. He did so well waiting. He didn't even ask for food, which is unusual for Ben!IMG_4648

Ben was finally taken down at 11:50am. He enjoyed the bed ride.IMG_0004

Down in the operating theatre… Tracie went down with Ben. She held him while they placed the mask on his face and he fell asleep. He did a great job, he took deep breaths in the mask and fell asleep quickly, without any distress. We worked hard to prepare him for the events that would take place for going to sleep, we are pleased our efforts worked, and he happily cooperated and didn't panic.IMG_4647

Ben was in the operating theatre and asleep in recovery (PACU) for about an hour. Once he woke up, I (Sal) was allowed to go in to see him. He was crying and in pain when I arrived. It’s hard to see him like that, lots of cuddles and some nice strong pain killers helped a lot. We stayed in the recovery ward for about an hour, while they controlled his pain and monitored him. I bought the old iphone (loaded with boys videos and games) with me, and he watched some of his favourite shows as a distraction. Initially he wanted me to hold the phone while he just lay in my arms and sobbed and watched, then after the pain killers worked, he was holding the phone him self, By the time we left, he was talking to be about the games he was playing. It was nice to see him feeling better.


We arrived back on the ward and Ben was allowed to eat! It was after 2pm and he had only had a glass of juice all day. Ben ate, and ate and ate! He had an iceblock, juice, water, sandwiches, strawberry yoghurt, mango yoghurt, fresh fruit, cupcake and even some nuts!!



We were pleased to see him eating and drinking normally. He seems to have a little cut on the side of his mouth, and a slightly swollen face. We assume this was from the intubation, but we don’t know.

After the operation the surgeon came to talk to us. He said Ben’s adenoids were massive. He also said there was fluid behind his ears (as we expected). We are not surprised that his adenoids were huge, we have long suspected they were enlarged. We are very hopeful that after he has healed, he will benefit from this operation. With grommets in his ears, he will not be able to get his ears wet until they fall out. (3-6 months, but up to 3 years) he will have to wear ear plugs in the bath/shower and while swimming.

We were allowed home at 5:30pm. Ben got some of his favourite food for dinner… Macaroni and Cheese then icecream and yoghurt - nice and soft for a sore throat, and a HUGE treat!


He’s sound asleep after the big day, and dosed up on Panadol  (Tylenol in USA), fingers crossed he sleeps through the night.

I should also mention that Ethan was wonderful today. He was very patient, waiting around all day. He didn't complain at all. He enjoyed watching TV and playing the iPhone. He got to have a treat at the cafe, and lunch. He was such a good boy. He was nice to Ben and cared for him after his operation. He’s a good big brother.

1 comment:

ROOT226 said...

Poor sweet Ben. I feel terrible it's been a while since i've checked in with you four. I'm relieved to see all went well and also that Ben regained his appetite. :) Hugs, Hugs Hugs to all!