Our little boys are truly becoming toddlers now. They are very good at walking (toddling), but still fall a lot. They have a keen curiosity about the world around them. They like to be given an object that they haven’t seen before – almost any object will do. The draw cooking utensils with spoons and cups is popular. They prefer objects that are not their toys. Recent favourite items include; the ear thermometer, a marble sphere of approx 3-4cm diameter, a shell, spoons, fridge magnets, whisk, dustpan and broom, jar of nappy rash cream, laundry basket and telephones. The other day Ben was playing with the phone and he accidently dialled emergency 000 (Australian equivalent of 911). They hold the object in their hands, turn it over, study it and manipulate it. You can see the concentration on their faces. It’s amazing to watch them learn.
We like to find new and different ways to feed the boys hunger for exploring and learning about the world. Last week Sal sat down in the living room with the boys and made cookies. Ben loved making cookies, feeling the flour and eating the cookie dough. Ethan doesn’t like to get his hands dirty and watched closely at everything that was happening. Ethan did enjoy eating a small amount of cookie dough though!!
Below is Sal and Ben mixing the flour. Sal, Ethan and Ben making cookies
Ben with his hands in the bowl again – mixing the dough
Is this what we do next mum???
Ben, with flour all over himself and his head!
Last Sunday we took the boys to go watch Uncle Michael playing soccer. Uncle Michael’s team won 5-0. Ethan clapped when he heard everyone else clapping after they scored a goal.
The boys had a great time playing with some spare soccer balls on the sidelines. Sal and Ethan at the park near the soccer game
Tracie and Ben
Ethan and Ben spinning the log. They were fascinated by the spinning log.
Tired boys ready for bed
On another note, both boys have been a little sick lately. After we returned from our road trip Ethan spiked a high temp up to 40.4C (104F). He also had a nasty case of diarrhoea and didn’t eat as much as normal. One week later his temp is long gone, he’s eating well, but he’s still having at least 3 loose bowel motions per day. I know it’s probably too much info, but the poor little boy got his first nappy rash from the diarrhoea. He HATED having his nappy changed as it hurt him. Poor baby, he’s never had nappy rash before. We hope it clears up soon.
Ben had a runny nose for a few days last week. It’s been good for a few days, but today he’s got an elevated temp and he’s been extra wingy and crying more than usual. He only wants to be held, and cries when he’s put down. He’s also not keen to each much…….. It’s been a hard day today as Tracie is also sick with muscle aches, sore throat and a temperature. To make things worse, Sal had to go back to work after almost 3 week off today. Everything happens at once :( So far, Sal is the only healthy person in the house.
Interestingly, Ben did not get Ethan’s diarrhoea and Ethan did not get Ben’s cold.
We are hoping everyone gets better soon
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