Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bath Time

It’s been a while since we’ve posted any bath time pictures. So here’s a few….

Getting ready, waiting for the bath to fill up.

Ethan and Ben – see how they’ve both got necklaces now? Ethan’s had one for months, and Ben didn’t really care. Recently, Ben wanted one, so Tracie gave hers to him. It’s a bit big, but he likes it.tn_P6021688

Ethan and Bentn_P6021689

Ben, pouring water on Ethan’s back.tn_P6021696


Ben and Ethantn_P6021702

Ben and Ethantn_P6021704

Ethan (being silly) and Bentn_P6021711

Ethan, pointing to Ben’s spiky hair.tn_P6021717 

Ethan and Ben – splashing the watertn_P6021724

Ethan and Ben – I like this shot, as you can see the difference in their hair colour. Ben’s hair looks quite orange when wet.tn_P6021727



Ben and Ethantn_P6021738

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