Tracie, Sal, Ben and Ethan celebrated Christmas in our own home, just the 4 of us this year. It was a nice change.
We told the boys all about Santa for weeks leading up to Christmas, saw all the hype in the shops and around the neighbourhood and by the time Christmas was here, the boys were very excited for Santa to come!
On Christmas Eve, (while Sal was at work) Tracie and the boys made cookies for Santa. Then later (after Sal got home from work) we decorated them together.
Christmas morning….. Santa came (they must have been good boys this year)
A Thomas the Tank Engine train set and table!
Full stockings
And Santa ate all his cookies and drank all his milk.
The reindeer ate all their carrot too!
Ethan was the first one up, and he was still a little tired, but very excited to see that Santa had been..Chocolate around his lips from his first taste of chocolate money – I think he ate about 10 that morning!
Benny woke up about 10-15 mins later…Checking out the stockings….. there’s presents in there!
Boys help Mummy with her present
I LOVE my photo frame,,,, THANK YOU!!!!
Back to the train table.
Ben’s favourite toy….. Ethan’s piano!
Mumma got some cook books and computer games.
An alphabet learning fridge magnet game. Very cool!
Parking garage – a BIG hit!The alphabet game on the fridge. The boys did not know any letters before this game. Now (2 weeks later) they know about 3 letters each. They play with it every day. We haven’t really tried to teach them letters yet, they are just picking it up.
Christmas morning was great fun. We did a baked chicken and vegetables for lunch, and I ate too much!
Christmas afternoon I, (Sal) went to work, while Trace and the boys had a quiet afternoon at home playing with new toys.
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