Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Swimming lessons

Christmas is over (yes, I know, still haven't uploaded Chrissy pics, it's a work in progress!) and the boys are back in swimming lessons after 2 weeks off.
Ethan kicked up a big stink about going to swimming, cried for about an hour before lessons, didn't want to get in the pool, but surprised us both by doing really well.
Here are some iPhone pics of today's lesson. Ben is in the lighter blue shirt with green goggles. Ethan is dark blue with blue goggles.

Tipping water over their heads

Eyes under

Ben under water (the other kid on the platform is the 3rd kid in the class)

Arms out ready

Eyes under again

Back float

Monkey walking along the wall

Waiting to fall in. They get taught to turn around and find the wall if they fall in. Safety survival skill.

End of class game. If your happy and you know it shout hooray.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

ROOT226 said...

Too fun!!! Looks like they are learning lots in their swim class. So nice to see a post, cant wait to see your Christmas photos! :)