I think I have recently blogged about swimming lessons, but since changing to the new swimming centre before Christmas, swimming lessons have gone from a dreaded Monday activity to my favourite day of the week. The boys have made such progress in the last 2 months, and their teacher is just amazing. We couldn't be happier!
There's an old saying "a picture speaks a thousand words" I wonder then, does a video speak a million words??
Now before you watch these, I know they are no where near actually swimming yet, but they used to cry before every lesson, not want to go in the water without us, not want to put their face under the water and not want to jump in. You will see below the difference. You'll also notice Ethan is hesitant to jump to the instructor.... Well, the moment you see, is the first time he jumped off the ledge and attempted to swim by him self. Previously, he would need to hold her hand to jump in. HUGE improvement!!
The lessons follows a similar structure each week..... a little something like this..
WONDERFUL!!!! I bet you mums are very proud. They are doing so well and VERY impressed with their back float. Everett still is a bit apprehensive with that float. Hugs to all four; its so nice to see video. :) -Monica
That is FANTASTIC!!! They are doing so good!! I cant belive they will wear googles, that is so cute! They look they are getting so big!! Isn't this age great!! Do you find by chance the boys have more or less tantrums now?
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