Thursday, January 26, 2012

Jan 25th – Coffee and Hyperactivity

Ben and Ethan usually wake up around 6-7am. They come into our bed and play with our iPhones until we wake up around 7:30-8ish. Today they woke early and fought over my phone because Tracie was at work and there was only one iPhone. I got kicked in the back half a dozen times before I gave in and got up earlier than I would prefer! When I get up they usually run down to the kitchen ahead of me. As I walked down the stairs and was daydreaming about my morning coffee and I heard a familiar sound of my coffee grinder. It took me a second to realise that hearing my grinder must mean my boys were on the bench playing with it!

I found them grinding and tamping like pro’s attempting to make me my morning coffee. They were so proud of their efforts, and with a little help from me, made a very nice coffee…tn_IMG_8424


Unrelated to my morning coffee, Ben and Ethan were extremely hyperactive and full of energy today. Unfortunately for me it was raining all day today. In fact our week of summer that we experienced in early January has disappeared and it’s been raining and/or overcast for the last 1-2 weeks. The 7day forecast is rain rain rain rain rain rain rain!

I made the boys an obstacle course in the house in an attempt to expel some energy.


Ethan crawling under the table.tn_IMG_8426

Jumping over the small couchestn_IMG_8428 

Over the blockstn_IMG_8434


Ben going under the tabletn_IMG_8436

Ben jumping off the tabletn_IMG_8437

Ethan crawling under the tabletn_IMG_8439

Ethan’s jumptn_IMG_8440

Ben runningtn_IMG_8444 

And their favourite part, jumping into the balls on the 2 couches pushed together.tn_IMG_8441  tn_IMG_8445 tn_IMG_8448

It worked! They did get out some energy!

1 comment:

Mom of Twins! said...

That is hysterical about the coffee and morning because ironically, I just wrote about the boys getting up early lately and it is making me insane, I like your idea about the Iphones!! Can you fall back alseep? Love that photo of them by coffee machine and I would daydream about the coffee to at your place because that machine looks AWESOME!