Saturday, May 28, 2011

Birthday Cakes

For my own records and for those who are interested, here’s how we constructed the boys 3rd Birthday cakes

tn_IMG_4656 tn_IMG_4658 Engine covered in white chocolate ganache and then green coloured fondant.tn_IMG_4661 Some simple featurestn_IMG_4670

Train carriages covered in the same white chocolate ganache and then various coloured fondanttn_IMG_4663 covered in skittles, jelly beans, rainbow chocolate chips and mini liquorice allsorts.tn_IMG_4665 tn_IMG_4666Add a liquorice train track, Oreo wheels and the train is done.. easy!tn_IMG_4807  Ethan’s construction cake was a little more random. We used a cake, cut bits out and added bits here and there. Covered with the white chocolate ganache.tn_IMG_4672 The cake then got covered in Malteasers and chocolate covered sultanas around the bottom…. then crushed violet crumble (honeycomb covered chocolate) on the top. All the diggers and accessories are plastic toys from a shop.tn_IMG_4806

1 comment:

ROOT226 said...

okay, now we're just showing off. LOL!! You are quite talented. I must ask though...what is ganache? AWESOME CAKES!! Clearly I'm just a tad bit jeolous of your skills. :)